Beer Can Pizza Dough


prep 0:10       total 0:10



1 can (12 oz.) beer (any type)
3-1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp. salt
1 cup olive oil


Preheat oven to 400°F. In a large bowl, mix the flour, beer, olive oil and salt. Mold the dough into a ball with your hands, and roll it out into a circle. Add desired toppings and baked for about 15 minutes or until cheese has melted and the crust is flakey.

Author's Comments

This dough does not need to rise and if you add sugar makes a very nice pastery dough. It´s different than regular pizza dough but very tasty, give it a try!

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3 Recipe Reviews


kierajane reviewed Beer Can Pizza Dough on October 18, 2005

It worked well with 1/3 cup olive oil instead of the whole 1 cup!


brandysbrandy reviewed Beer Can Pizza Dough on February 10, 2006


kitchentoolman reviewed Beer Can Pizza Dough on August 30, 2006

It really does taste good... not to mention what you could do with the 5 cans that you have leftover ;)