Salsa Marinara -- Sailor-Style Tomato Sauce


prep 1:00       total 1:00


4 to 5 quarts



3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
5 cups plum tomatoes, peeled and chopped *
1-1/2 tbsp. parsley, chopped
3/4 tsp. basil
1/4 tsp. ground pepper
Salt, to taste
1/4 tsp. oregano
6 tbsp. tomato paste


Brown garlic in oil, add tomatoes, parsley, basil, salt and pepper and cook over a medium low flame about 30 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the oregano and tomato paste and cook for about 10 more minutes. If sauce starts to thicken up, add a 1/2 cup of water a little at a time until the correct consistency is attained. Marinara sauce should be to the thinner side, not like the other tomato sauce. As the sauce cooks, and you are stirring the sauce, break up the chopped tomato as much as you can.

Author's Comments

This is a relatively quick tomato based sauce. Usually prepared in a large fry pan it can be used anywhere other tomato based suaces are called for. Try using it as a dip for Fried Calamari . . . adding a dash or two of tabasco sauce or some crushed red pepper.

Recipe is taken from "Old Country Italian Cookbook", by Donald JP La Marca

* If fresh plum tomatoes are not available, use canned plum tomatoes.

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