Ice Cream Flowerpots with Worms


prep 0:20       total 0:20


4 servings



1 cup chocolate wafer crumbs
4 clear plastic cups
4 cups chocolate ice cream
8 gummy worm candies
1 cup flaked coconut; tinted with green food coloring
4 plastic straws, cut to 6-inch length toothpicks
Gumdrops or
other jelly candies
Peanut butter cups
Chocolate or
vanilla cookie sandwiches
4 jelly candy spearmint leaves


Place about 2 tablespoons of chocolate wafer crumbs in the bottom of each cup. Add 1/2 cup chocolate ice cream and press down with back of spoon. Place 2 gummy worms in each cup on outside edge and top with another 1/2 cup of chocolate ice cream. Sprinkle 2 more tablespoons of chocolate crumbs over ice cream. Sprinkle 1/4 cup green coconut over crumbs forgrass. Press a plastic straw into center of each cup for the stem. Placethe cups in the freezer and let chill until firm. Make flowers with toothpicks, candy and cookies. To serve, press the flower into the straw and press a jelly candy spearmint leaf into each pot along the stem.

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