Scottish Soda Bread




2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup bread flour or
unbleached all purpose flour
1/2 cup rolled oats (divided)
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
3 tbsp. butter, melted
1-1/2 cup buttermilk
Additional melted butter for top of hot loaf


In a large mixing bowl, combine whole wheat flour, bread flour, and 1/4 cup of the rolled oats. Blend in the baking powder, soda, salt, and butter. Make a hole in the center of the mixture and add the buttermilk. Stir until stiff dough forms. Sprinkle remaining 1/4 cup oats on bread board. Turn dough out onto board and knead for just 1 minute, shaping it as you go into a perfect round loaf. There should be a rather thick coating of the extra oats on the outside of the loaf.

Cover baking sheet with parchment paper or lightly grease it. Place loaf seam side down on top of baking sheet. With sharp knife, make a cross slash in the top of the loaf about 1/2 inch deep. Preheat oven to 375 F. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until loaf sounds hollow when tapped. Transfer to rack and brush generously with melted butter. For good slicing, cool for at least 4 hours. Makes 1 loaf.

Great Whole Grain Breads B. Ojakangas

Author's Comments

In Scotland this bread is usually cooled before it is served so that it will slice without crumbling. But it is so delicious hot from the oven that you may just give in to temptation and cut yourself a crusty, crumbly slice. Serve it for breakfast, brunch, or for tea on a Sunday afternoon with jam or honey. Or treat yourself to a memorable snack of slices of this bread, thin slices of Stilton, and a glass of port.

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