Duck Breast Prosciutto

Duck breast prosciutto is quite simple to make - with patience, you’ll experience a slice of perfection.


prep 0:40       total 14 days


16 servings



2 duck breasts
Kosher salt, to cover
1/8 oz. pink curing salt
2 tsp. black pepper


Cover the bottom of a shallow, non-reactive pan in a blanket of salt. Place each breast in the blanket of salt, skin side up, and ensure that breasts do not touch each other. Cover with remaining salt. Cover pan with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.

Remove the breasts from the pan. Sprinkle with black pepper and wrap in cheesecloth. Hang in a cool, dry place until the breasts feel firm to the touch, but not hard. Estimated time: 2 to 3 weeks.

Slice thin and enjoy.

Author's Comments

Courtesy of Chef Ben Bettinger from Beaker and Flask in Portland, Oregon.

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